Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Woohooo! Completed at last!

I'm quite happy today, I finally completed a Zelda game, that game being Twilight Princess on the Wii.

My first attempt at Zelda was the Snes version where I just got frustrated and left it, second was the Gamecube version, Windwaker which was bloody awesome (one of the best Zelda games EVER) but upon copying my save file after 60% of the game had been done I deleted it accidentally and never got back into it.

After weeks of hacking, slashing, shooting bomb arrows and riding spinners I finally got through the game to Hyrule castle to kill Ganandorf which happened to be the easiest Dungeon but most frustrating boss in the whole game! 4 times you have to defeat him and it took me a while to figure out I had to target him when you get to fight him horse back duel style and the final sword battle is cool.

I played the game for 43:28 according to my save file (I did most of the mini quests and got all the heart peices)and almost every minute was worth it, a few cut scenes are unskippable which gets frustrating if you die and have to start that certain segment again and sometimes the camera angles are funky, especially Hyrule castle when you get blocked in energy rings and can't see who you are fighting properly. That apart transforming into a wolf with new senses, fighting on Horseback and the general addictiveness and graphics of the game make it almost perfect as well as the many crazy weapons you have to use and the way you use them with the Wii-mote.

If you have a Wii or Gamecube get out and buy it, if you don't have either go buy one.

Now for Resident Evil 4 once I sell Zelda on Ebay


Woggzeh said...

glad to see you're not wasting your time, I presume Lindsay is happy as a Wii widow?

Anonymous said...

Mario Galaxy is out soon. WOOP WOOP!!

Unknown said...

If I had the time I'd be all over that game :( Maybe next year when stuff calms down.

Unknown said...

I got a DS for crimbo so I've been rocking zelda on that. The graphics rock for a handheld but you'll probably know that already being the gamer dweeb :)