Saturday, September 6, 2008

Death comes to us all in the end.

I’m a bit drunk and as my Auntie Carols better half, Uncle Barry sorely died of a second heart attack 2 days ago which leaves me feling quite sad I'm contemplating (thank fuck for spell checkers)the fragility of life and how those you love and those you knew, and occasionally those you hardly knew but wished you learned more of but didn’t realise it until they went on to the next world affect or affected you in your life, also what is the next world?
Heaven? Hell? stoke on trent?

Philosophers have studied it for centuries and got no closer, scientists say that parallel universes and multiverses exist! Maybe that’s where our ‘Soul’ goes on to. Heaven moves you into the next dimension for a whole new experience and growth of the spirit , hell is failing and coming back and back again like a video game, dying only to start the level over and over until you get it right! Maybe that explains Déjà vu! Cos we have already lived this life and souls and spirits don’t adhere to father times laws as our fragile and small minds do, therefore we relive and make mistakes over and over looking for the goal before we can choose the next path.

Love is a fickle thing too, you get attatched to people and comfortable, tell them everything about yourself and they throw it in your face in arguments, I’ve done it myself and I kick myself for being like that. You then have a bit of hate for each other but love each other all the same. Partners are wonderful when they aren’t around but within an hour of them being home it goes back to arguments and fights about past problems and misgivings, it grates on your soul.Some people put up with it forever, some people work it out, and many move on. I still miss hanging around with some of the people I have called my 'better half' none more so than Lindsay and I'm sorry I had to do what I had to do. It just wasn't working at the time.

Anyway rantings over, I'm going to leave this and post it in the morning and laugh at myself :)