Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Honestly, somehow it always seems that I'm dreamin' of something that I can never be.


I'm still buzzing a little here from seeing Korn at the Brisbane Riverstage stage after all these years and man did they put on a good show. They even incorporated a little of queens "We will rock you" into a verse of a song I now cant remember because of the awesomeness and the fact I regressed to the mental state of a 15 year old once again.

Mr Jonathan Davis was a bit more talkative than usual and was smiling like in insanely happy person which was cool although I wonder what the oxygen mask was actually needed for!?!?! Munkeh was being as rocking as ever and Fieldy has got to be one of the best alternative or just one of the greatest bass players ever. I loved every minute of it. They performed in no order Faget (dedicated to the old school fans)moved onto some Freak on a Leash, A.D.I.D.A.S and then did a couple from the new album.

The support line up was pretty good, Throwdown had the unfortunate first slot when the place was no where near full but they played a great set and got most of the lazy bastards on their feet.

Next up were an old favourite of mine Chimaira! THESE GUYS KICKED ASS!! They played it loud and proud and had the whole place kicking off in a circle mosh! Before the main act we then had another old great in the form of Biohazard, still putting on a good show after 20 years (anniversary gig apparently) albeit after a slow start they also rocked up the joint but I couldn't help feeling something was missing from their act, maybe it was the beer wearing off :)

All in all an awesome gig! Just a shame they didn't take Cards for the Apparel, I'm sure they lost out on a few thousand $$$$ due to that and also pissed off a few people, especially Lindsay who has been to quite a few of Korns appearances here and has yet to be able to buy a T-shirt, If its not size or lack of Ladies tops (she is over 6ft) its the bloody card machines absence.

Keep up the good work guys, and get an eftpos machine (for cards, real $$$ are for beer).

Over and out


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Aren't arachnids wonderful?

I took this photo a few weeks ago, its on my facebook but I thought I'd share it with the rest of you.

This is a Golden Orb Weaver and his little buddy, He made a web over my bins so I took it down, as I moved to take a picture he shot that golden silk at me, was awesome, you can see it coming out of him if you zoom in.

The problem with these buggers is they are everywhere and by British standards 'Fooking massive'. Rumour has it they cause more deaths than any other spider because the huuuge webs they weave (can be 2metres across)are generally across footpaths or between trees and posts and people walk thru the web then have heart attacks looking for the great big spider thats somewhere on them. Maybe an Urban Legend, may not but they sure are pretty and freaky looking.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

My absence is noted

Hello there my furry friends!

It's been a loooong time since I updated this thing, my excuses are I have been busy and too lazy at the same time, sorry folks but you'll need to take a break reading this one.

So whats been going on in my life? well I went to V fest a couple of weeks ago which was pretty good and had that homely feel of slop and mud to your ankles as it rained all day before the event. I went to see the Rakes(nearly Roisin Murphy, stupid map), who were pretty damn good and jet lagged as they told us. Queens of the Stone Age rocked as ever whilst people flung mud at each other and slid in the fetid watery parts, this only to be topped when the Smashing Pumpkins grabbed the main stage and we had alot of mud wrestling going on, and not the good kind. I think Billy Corgan tried to take advantage of this mentality when he wanted to incite a fight with the other stage (as it was called) when the Presets were pumping their way over the top Bass into the Pumpkins arena, although he claimed no responsibility. What the Pumpkins can claim responsibility for is making me feel 15 years old again playing some of the classics that I grew up with! It was AWESOME and a great end to a good day.

So apart from V fest there hasn't really been much else going on, I'm still restricted to 20 hours of stupid work a week due to the limitations of the student visa, due to this I'm still trying to pay stupid school fees on time. Only stupid because my bank balance looks all nice only for it to be sucked out which means I cant buy Wii games and occasionally beer!!... all for a good cause I suppose.

Work is work, its been fun recently apart form drunken idiots fighting my friend and manager Jeremy, poor old Jez been hit in the head I think twice in as many weekends. The best one was last weekend when we had the Hip Hop tribute on, now most of these guys are cool and respectable but there was a bunch of absolute wannabes and when some guy baited them they went off on a crazy 8mile tryout failures spiel and attempted to 'rap' the guy into submission, this ended in a glass to the face and Jez and I trying to pull apart idiots who cant have a bit of fun and have to take offense at everything cos they can handle like five drinx maaan!!! kids!

So the best part of this is when we throw the 'Wind up guy' out only to have the G's jump the beer garden fence and attack the bloke five to one. We broke that up and everything was going fine until Leader of the 8mile rejects has a pop at me giving me all the jibe about running me down and as he actually said it 'pop you' whilst making a gun motion and walking towards me aggressively, I stood my ground and simply said in my dry sarcastic way that those who know me love (or hate) Dude, you're so black and Gangsta right now, you feel like a real maaaaan?? at which point I think I was about to be headbutted by this toothless bogan when Jez saved the day and pushed him away and the police finally turned up, which brings me to my next point......

....Brisbane Emergency Services! I've encountered them 3 times now and they are utter shite, a disgrace! I'd get faster medical or police attention in New Orleans and the only reason I can say straight up is because 2 Ambulance headquarters and 3 local police stations are all within 2minutes of my work which is what the next scribblings are about.

Encounter 1, Old guy falls down steps, smashes his head into the concrete and is unconscious and bleeding, I ring 000 and get an answer, it takes the woman 7 minutes to get thru to the Ambulance dept, the woman then takes another minutes trying to get more info than I know as I am on the work phone around 2 corners and 100m away which she doesnt seem to get and then finally the Ambluance comes a total of 50 minutes later....Disgraceful really.

Encounter 2, Fight ensues between a drunken punter whom we cut off and Jez as he takes a beer off him which he procured by deceitful means, he then decides to provoke Jeremy and a small scuffle ensues which I help to break up and then call police and securtiy! Get thru to police as Jez comes downstairs and is jumped not only by the guy but 3 or 4 of his mates and has blood all over his face, takes me 4 minutes to get thru... fight getting out of control.. Police or on there I relax... fight spills onto street and up the road....10 minutes have passed... random chick tries to intervene like and idiot and gets thrown to the floor for grabbing fighting men from behind and hurts herself.... Im trying to call police again and restrain folks with security and a rather wild blood strewn Jez, instigators run off and fight calms down 40 minutes have passed I go in clean up with Paul and sign off and after 1 hour and 10 mins no police came.

Encounter 3, the story of hip hop battlas above, the police took over half an hour to come then too.

And thats that, I'll try update more often! peace and love to all!
