Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Illness that requires the elimination of alcohol!

Stupid body! It seems its giving up on me for a while. I've been down and out for a couple of weeks now feeling really sick and having pains in my abdomen just under the ribcage. I managed to pile on 6Kg in 4.5 weeks and almost pass out doing nothing this morning. After waking up and crying in pain and peeing an almost orange trickle every hour and feeling my pulse strongly thru my body every now and again I figured something was wrong.

So today I thought enough is enough. I went to the doctors and paid $75 to find out I could need treatment anywhere between $500 and $2500! I was felt up and probed all over and have had bloods taken to test for ulcers, pancreatitis, diabetes and liver problems. The main suspect is apparently the pancreas and ulcer combo as my kidneys have been affected quite badly and I'm concentrating my urea. This why I've been tired all the time apparently. On Thursday I gotta go for a C-14 breath test an endoscopy if the C-14 is positive, or an ultrasound if its negative! Yay.

I've been advised no more alcohol for 8 weeks or so and been given some lovely tablets that will make Lee feel sick, If its a pancreatic issue no more beer ever is advised! FUUUCCCCKK!!!

Hopefully its just an ulcer and not a diabetes/pancreas problem.

wish me luck, Im gonna sit on the balcony and savour my last Coopers Sparkling Ale for a while before I start my meds.



Unknown said...

Shit dude, sorry to hear that - no more beer ever? That couldn't be!

Here's hoping it's just a bit of wind or something.

:crosses all 11 fingers:

Lee Nagle said...

I hoped the wind thing was true before but after taking some stuff and nearly killing Lindsay in the bedroom it still didn't go away.

Woggzeh said...

I feel slighty to blame. I suffered all those symptoms and I survived then took you to the pub.