Friday, August 3, 2007

Gadget Time (Nokia N95)

Wooooo!! I just signed up with 3mobile here for a $49 cap on contract which gets me $300 of calls and texts and 200mins 3 to 3 plus upto $120 calls to the UK (out of the cap) and got a special offer on a Nokia N95.

I've Been reading news and reviews for the last few days and it looks like a beauty, apart from the battery life, but there are ways around that by turning stuff off thats not needed. I'll never get lost again thanks to the GPS and Google earth and I can use MSN messenger at college on the Wi-Fi connection!

Got to wait a few more days to get hold of it though cos its out of stock but as soon as I do I'll post my mini review of it.

Isn't she pretty?


Unknown said...

Unrelated, but I saw Coopers sparkling on sale again in Sainsburys. Coopers are advertising Pale and Sparkling over here in food magazines, but no cunt sells the greeny-pale-yum-yums, only red.

So close, so close...

Lee Nagle said...

the red is soooo much better

Unknown said...

Your Gooooogle ads are trying to get me to look at Masturbating Pictures.

Make it stop!

Lee Nagle said...

reeeally!!! I just get the same ads, it sux!

Click away, I've netted a good $30 this month for nothing!