Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A Big Day Out!


So how is everybody? having a fun new year yet? over your resolutions and hate being back at work? Me too, although I've had a good start so far to my New Year.

This Sunday was the highlight of the year so far, Lindsay and I managed to procure tickets to Big Day Out on the Gold Coast and what a day it was.

This was my first real Aussie music festival and I have to say, although its got a long way to go to compare to V, Download, Glastonbury and such, it was a great venue with 50,000+ in attendance and a great atmosphere as everyone anticipated the headline acts.

We managed to get into the parklands and settle down at around 1pm and have a beer or 3 whilst listening to Arcade Fire who were pretty good, after what seemed like 2 minutes had passed, it came the Hilltop Hoods turn on the main stage, It was as usual a great show but the sound was pretty terrible, could hardly make out any of the lyrics (good job we know them all) the music and bass were awesome on the other hand.

After the Hilltops we hung around a little while at the back listening to Silverchair and Grinspoon and promptly left to go see Brand New as Bjork attended the main stage! I don't get the fascination with her music, I dont honestly see it as arty or cool, its just wailing and noise like a deaf kid with a synthesiser and a mic, anyway Brand New were pretty awesome to listen to live and after a bit of jumping around and sitting down we made our way to see the main event.....


Man these guys were awesome. I've wanted to see them for years, I managed to get to the front after losing everyone in the crowd but as excited as I was I couldn't stay around. Headbutts, pushing, shoving, punching and all those shenanigans were going down as everyone was full of 12 hours of beer and RATM fury so I got out, stepped back a bit and had a better time chanting the words to "Killing in the name of" and jumping around like an idiot.

All in all it was a great day but nothing like the 2-3day festivals we get back home! maybe one day it will happen.

Cheers all


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A new year comes and old year goes and I'm still wearing my christmas clothes.

Wassup y'all!!

I hope you all had a good festive season and didn't get too hungover/fat/sick/frustrated/stressed, Welcome to the new year, 2008 should be a good one although the flying cars are still 8 years late, goddamn those automobile companies.

For my festivities I wandered off to Adelaide to see the family I have there and have many merriments with them, Lindsay had gone a day before to Moree to be with hers and I missed her lots but it was great to see everyone and I'm thankful for my Grandad for cooking all that glorious food on Christmas day and as usual providing much conversation and alcohol. It was rather strange though staying in the house with no Grandma and quite sad at times but we all know the old girl was there in spirit and hopefully saw we are getting along fine and dandy although missing her immensely.

The old heaven nightclub had re-opened (shutdown due to bikie gangs selling drugs and letting in 16 year olds and taking over the joint) they renamed it HQ although not much changed decor wise, We had a great night out there drinking and dancing and listening to some cool music and the Hilltop Hoods 'what a great night' brought in boxing day which was awesome (beers to the boys, you gave me a great evening on Xmas eve too).

When the hangover subsided (2 bloody days) and the time came I wandered back up to a lovely sticky Brisbane where Lindsay and I celebratd our Christmas and NYE in one.

We had an ok evening out on NYE, went to check out an overhyped retro club which sucked balls, saw in NYE and then went to the Valley for more boozes and merriment, I have to say the doormen in Brisbane are turning into a proper bunch of cunts, I wasn't allowed into Birdee num nums as I was 'Overdressed' even though they let in some dicks just before us who looked as if they had dressed up to go to the races, I also heard some guy in a kilt get refused entry and told to go back to his own country as "we dont dress that way here mate" bunch of idiots, Unless you are an Aboriginie you are an immigrant too you cocksucker, have some respect, this country is culturally diverse in all respects and everyone is welcome here.

For Christmas I got a minor haul of goodies including a pink t-shirt that I will never wear (sorry, its getting exchanged) and a few books and lots of beer. I thank everyone who sent stuff/bought stuff/wished me a merry Christmas.

And thats it, now the festivities are over I can get back to my Nintendo Wii and finally complete Resident Evil 4 and Super Mario Galaxy.

Happy new year everyone, much love.

Lee (Miggzeh, Mister MigginZ).
